Chasing the Seeds Book Is Launched!

I'm excited to share with you that today my first fiction novel, Chasing the Seeds, has been published!

I wrote this book, and the series that it begins, to be entertaining and suitable for adults as well as teens (probably late teens; parents you should read the book before deciding whether your teen child should).

It is "clean" meaning: zero profanity, zero blasphemies, zero sexual stuff. 

What's the book about?

When Edmund, a young software engineer from Austin, discovers a clue in his deceased father's book, the contents launch him on a worldwide scavenger hunt for a mysterious prize that will shake the power structure of the entire world.

Pursued by a rogue FBI agent, Edmund must overcome his loner tendencies and welcome help from a friend, a mentor, and a beautiful young woman to get to the prize before the agent does...and without being killed.

Along the way, there's a worldwide run on the banks as the Fed battles the European Central Bank, plunging the world into chaos and requiring the heroes turn to Bitcoin to make it to the next clue.

A shadowy organization is pulling the strings of the FBI agent. They are fomenting a world war, a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), and know who Edmund's father was, even though he does not.

In his quest, Edmund comes face-to-face with greed, evil, and power—along with his own faults—and must surmount them all to unravel the mystery of who his father really was, why he died, and what he left as his legacy to Edmund...and to the world.

Soooo, get the book!

My son, who is 14 years old, read the book, and I asked him for his honest rating of it from 1 to 10.

He said, "I would say a 6 or a 7."

Now that's honesty!

He is a voracious reader, and I wrote the book in part so that he and others looking for a fun, clean book series to read that is compatible with our Catholic Faith would enjoy it.

Get a copy today:



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