A Guide for Young Single Catholic Men

I distilled down into a one pager (front and back) what I wish I would have known as a young, single Catholic man.

At that time, I had discerned that I was called to marriage and not to the priesthood nor religious life.

You need a solid supernatural (or spiritual) foundation in the Catholic Faith, but then also need to cultivate natural qualities (things like: manners, dressing in a respectful way, etc.).

You can download the guide below and print it out yourself, and also you can watch the presentation where I explain the guide in more detail.


Take this guide as a launching or starting point for having a discussion with other young men. No one size fits all for every man, and each man has his own talents, strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots.

Get the young single Catholic men's guide here.

Here's the link to My Daily Bread, excellent topics for Mental Prayer.


God bless,
Devin Rose, Lionheart Catholic

 P.S. In the guide and video I mention...

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Mensuram Bonam: Muddled Vatican Guide to Catholic Investing

resilience Dec 02, 2022

Mensuram Bonum, Vatican document on investing according to Catholic Social Teaching

Watch the video here:


I read with interest this new document, Mensuram Bonum, as the Church has given very little direct guidance on how a Catholic should invest.

Unfortunately, while the document has some true points, it also espouses Globalist propaganda points throughout which are antithetical to Catholic teaching.

As such, it is not reliable as a whole and Catholics must be wary of it, picking out the good and discarding the bad. That makes the document a failure in my book, as the whole point of such a document should be clear, true guidance on how to morally invest as a Catholic.

Mensuram Bonum states:

"Important frameworks have already been launched, such as for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Trajectories for measuring just, inclusive and ecologically-sound practices are being fashioned by the UN and elsewhere."

This quote is found early in the document and...

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A Catholic Take on CBDCs

resilience Nov 30, 2022

In this video below I summarize two lengthy video discussions on a plausible route for how a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) could be brought about:


The two videos below discuss one way the CBDC could be ushered in to reset the world economy and debts.

Market Sniper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JssN3WhKjl4

Maneco64: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9aye4wQ8Ok

The Market Sniper Francis Hunt analyzes an interview between Maneco64 and Clive Thompson where they discuss how a bottleneck/throttle point could be set up between the current dollar and the new CBDC dollar.

Only money, accounts, and debts that they want to move over will move over, and any that they don't want to move over, won't.

Their goal would be to wipe out the unsustainable government debts and big corporate debts, while putting in the CBDC which would give them total surveillance and control over every person's money and spending.

Yes a true dystopian nightmare for us.

For them, a Midsummer Night's...

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Get Prepared As a Catholic in These Dark Times

resilience Sep 29, 2021

I remember when I became Catholic.

I thought: “How wonderful this is. I now have access to the full truth and all the graces that God wants to give to me, through the sacraments, sacramentals, and devotions. What more can I ever need?”

In the first Lionheart Catholic book, I share my experiences with the tremendous graces that you can avail yourself of as a Catholic.

By applying the "recipe of the saints" from this first book, you can prepare yourself spiritually for these dark times, laying a supernatural foundation that comes only from God’s grace.

That supernatural foundation of sanctifying grace and actual graces is indispensable for preparing yourself and family.

But I learned through the school of hard knocks that one’s problems don’t simply disappear after becoming Catholic.

For instance, years ago I seriously injured my back, and it jeopardized my ability to provide for my family.

Then I found myself on the cusp of getting Type 2 Diabetes.

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